Sex Ain’t What It Used to Be

Sex Ain’t What It Used to Be

  Consider the following: Have you had one of those moments lately lamenting the good old days when you were younger and could make love all night long?  Many of today’s younger generation are making sure they won’t be plagued by similar late life longings by...
Welcome to the World of BDSM

Welcome to the World of BDSM

We shared a chance encounter.  It was lunch time.  I sought a place to sit and spotted an empty chair at her table.  She stood behind it and leaned forward.  Her long sculpted dark brown legs extended down from a green and blue plaid mini-skirt.  I couldn’t see her...
Sex During Menstruation

Sex During Menstruation

There are certain things we learn that we’re just not supposed to do, most of them for good reason. Things like don’t have sex with your best friend’s ex or leave underage girls alone even if you are a hedge fund billionaire and no matter how lonely you might be in...
Why Write?

Why Write?

A friend who writes for a living recently shared a story about the publication of his first book, a very revealing memoir.  Before its release, he gave his parents a ‘heads up’ to prepare them for what was about to become public knowledge.  His mother never read the...