Finding Erotica makes every effort to find Eros (Love) in all areas of life including curvy girls who choose to pole dance. The pole dance community has taken on a new vibe in the 21st century. It has opened the eyes of many women to feel free about participating in this dance sport and has encouraged within them a higher level of self-confidence. In a two-part blog, we want to place our focus on ladies in the poling industry who are shaped curvaceously and who have chosen to jump into this community despite what many might say against them.
FE interviewed four voluptuous women of different ages, races and sizes in thickness. Let us introduce you to Dallas, Thickerbell, Poundcake, and Panther. Read what these remarkable women have to say about their life, lifestyle in addition to the challenges they face when it comes to their body and movement on the pole.
Defining “S” shaped, curvy, thick and plus-size
When someone references the word “S” shaped, curvy or thick girl, what does that mean to you? Is your interpretation of it good or bad?
Poundcake: “curvy” is always a good thing. It’s funny because most thick/curvy women have natural, organic body parts that most people are paying to get these days.
Dallas: I personally have never heard the term “S-Shaped” in reference to curvy women, but maybe I just live under some rock. Anyway, it completely depends on the person saying it and in what situation. After a while, I learned to suss out when “thick/thicc” is meant well and when it’s a dig on your appearance.
Thickerbell: I identify with curvy as I feel it’s a more accurate description of my hourglass body shape. I do understand how others may be offended because thick typically denotes fat but shapely.
Tell me some things that you like about being a curvy girl?
Panther: I like being sexy in my own skin and watching people look at how confident I am.
Dallas: My SO is very into my juicy backside, so I like that very much obviously. I’ve had slightly wider hips and thighs since I was in high school. I always enjoyed feeling like I could really rock a tight pair of jeans. Like in old movies when a woman walks into a scene and her hips are swaying like she isn’t even trying to be attractive. But, everyone knows she just is sex incarnate. My hips always made me feel like that.
I’m not a doctor. I’m pretty sure from a practical standpoint as long as I stay physically active and eat protein, the extra body fat would come in handy during an apocalypse.
Poundcake: I’ve been both 150 and 250 pounds in my adult life. I really prefer being thicker. The way I fill up my clothes looks better at this size. The way I walk into a room as a curvy girl and command attention is super satisfying. I wasn’t feeling as confident as a size eight.
Have you always been confident about your shape and why?
Poundcake: I have often struggled with living in this larger body for a while, especially when it came to competing in pole competitions, I felt like I didn’t deserve to be on stage with the skinny girls. After some encouraging words from instructors and proving to myself that I deserve to be here and participate in this sport just as much as anybody else. It was all upwards from there. Nobody can tell me that I don’t belong ANYWHERE as a curvy woman.
Panther: I did not gain my weight until my late 20’s. For the most part I have been confident. There was a time during a past relationship that I lost myself and had to find myself, and start loving myself again.
Dallas: I wouldn’t exactly say confident, regarding myself. I’ve always had a complicated relationship with food, but I’m coming to terms with it and how it affects my body shape. I do enjoy some of my curves like my hips and bottom. But others… like I wish my boobs could be bigger than my gut. I’d rather accept my body for what it has decided to be than go through lipo or any crazy procedures to change it.
What made you consider pole dancing given its past was mainly done by slender women?
Thickerbell: I love dancing. I started dancing when I was 3 years old, throughout my entire childhood and into my teen years. One of my earliest childhood memories is of me performing on stage in New York with my baby blue tutu. When I discovered pole fitness, I loved it instantly. The major difference for me is that the pole is vertical vs. horizontal with ballet.
Poundcake: I just learned to take on a “what’s the worst that could happen” mentality. I know as curvy women we think we’re going to fall or break the pole somehow. And yes, while we ALL fall at times, the reward of feeling sexy, strong and confident far outweighs any fears that society has placed in my head.
Dallas: My friend really did most of the work convincing me to join her in pole classes, but I stayed because I have never in my life been able to do a successful pull-up. I see tiny girls doing it like they are lifting a feather. I thought pole was a practical way of forcing myself to work on lifting my own weight. If you are up on a pole and you can’t hold yourself, hitting the ground is gonna hurt. But it was also a safe feeling, knowing you have classmates and the instructor there for you, to make sure you land safely.
Given you are a pole dancer, what do think people see and think when they see you performing on the pole or working out in general?
Dallas: I mean, I wouldn’t consider myself a pole dancer. I was more into the physical activity and movement side of things than the performance and choreography. I don’t really care what other people think when I’m trying to do a trick. I’m doing this for myself not for them. I just want to work new muscles and find out what my body can and can’t accomplish. I don’t give a damn what John Doe down the street thinks about it.
Panther: When I am performing, I think what comes to mind is my size, my confidence, my sexiness, and the ability to do the same things a smaller girl can do. They think “if she can do it, I can do it.” Seeing me perform gives them confidence.
Thickerbell: Most people sexualize the experience and do not see the immense level of hard work and technical training that it requires. For that reason, I do not share with others that I participate in pole fitness. I keep it separate from both my professional and personal life.
Poundcake: The most important thing for me as a plus size pole dancer is hopping on that pole and proving to people that I can do what all the thinner girls do and sometimes better. I love proving people wrong and breaking down stereotypes. People see a plus girl and think she’s unfit and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. It’s important for me to get the message out that we are strong and sexy AF as well while living in these larger bodies.
Can curvaceous girls be sexy? What would you say to a woman whose body is shaped as such and lacks confidence and the feeling of being sexy?
Thickerbell: I believe the definition of sexy is curvy.
Poundcake: Curvaceous girls can absolutely be sexy. It’s obvious that not everyone prefers curvy girls just like some people are not attracted to skinny girls. It’s all about preference. I would definitely tell a curvy girl that there is SOMEONE out there who NEEDS to see you living confidently in your lovely, larger body. I would encourage her to give pole dancing or even a floorwork class a try to find that confidence. Something that always helps me is dancing in lingerie. Standing in the mirror, feeling on my body, appreciating every single curve that I have, GUILT FREE!
Dallas: Sexy, in my opinion, is in the eye of the beholder. Some people like some jiggle, some don’t. If your SO doesn’t think your curves are sexy then you’ve got to take a long hard look at that relationship. If you don’t think you’re sexy, then do something about it. Throw out your entire wardrobe and find clothes that fit correctly. Go to a trainer for a consultation and ask how to tone down the parts you don’t like. Go to a therapist and try to unpack what the deeper connection is to why you don’t find yourself attractive. This isn’t even specific to curvy girls, literally anyone, if you don’t find yourself attractive then talk to someone who can help you discover what you’ve been overlooking.
What are some of the stereotypes surrounding curvy/thick girls?
Panther: She is too big to be doing that….how is she that flexible being that size…..That outfit is not made for her….She can’t get no man or woman looking like that.
Poundcake: People think curvy girls are unfit, incapable of being sexy and feel ashamed. This is so false. There are many strong, sexy, confident curvy women out here living their BEST lives, completely by any fat shaming thrown their way.
Dallas: In my experience, most of the stereotypes surrounding curves are about food and health. Like, yes, to a certain degree, having a high fat content in your body is not ideal. But that doesn’t mean every curvy girl is eating cake and pizza for every meal. That’s ridiculous. Both sides of my family have women who are bottom heavy in one way or another. So, I knew my genetics were going to catch up to me somewhere down the line no matter how healthy I try to be. I still make sure to do physical exercise every day and eat as healthy as I can manage with food anxiety disorder. So, back the hell off. I’ve accepted myself so why can’t you?
What would you say to someone who says “S-shaped, curvy, thick girls, it’s all the same, they are just fat?”
Dallas: Like…I can’t argue. What the difference is between S-shaped, curvy, thick, whatever? That’s all subjective. If you’re sincerely trying to insult my weight, then tell me what my BMI is and how it will affect my health 50 years from now. You’re not going to hurt me by telling me my ass is big because I can walk down the street in the next hour and find 5 strangers who will take one look, and that’s a compliment.
Panther: I would say that It’s disrespectful, and if you can’t say anything nice shut the hell up.