Interracial Relationships is one of our main themes. FE is the work of a Black woman and white man. We write about interracial love and its challenges. We know that positive interracial relationships extend far beyond the bedroom. Inevitably, what happens in the confines of one’s own home is connected to what happens outside.
Derek Chauvin, a white cop in Minneapolis, murdered another innocent Black man, George Floyd. Mr. Floyd’s murder is not an isolated incident. Instead, it is the latest manifestation of an unjust system. His murder affects us all.
Systematic Racism
I live in Oregon where a state Supreme Court inquiry documented systemic racism in its justice system. Oregon is not the only state to do so. The inquiry concluded a person of color you cannot expect fair treatment in the justice system from point of contact with police through sentencing and parole. In sharp contrast, white citizens, especially those who are white and wealthy, can. It’s called “white privilege.”
Join the Chorus: Enough George Floyd
If you seek interracial relationships in your personal life, let your voice be heard when it comes to our society’s continued targeting of people of color. Let this latest killing be the time when we work to extend the unearned privilege we as white people take for granted to those who wear daily targets on their back. Let us join a chorus of voices and shout “enough!”
I Can’t Breathe
When Derek Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd’s neck, Mr. Floyd said “I can’t breathe.” Ironically, he echoed Eric Garner’s last words. Both men repeated “I can’t breathe” until they could breathe no more.
Thousands of outraged people took to the streets. Athletes and performers kneeled prior to their respective events. All spoke words that should no longer be necessary, “Black Lives Matter.”
Tragically, those words are more necessary now than ever. Black lives matter! George Floyd’s life matters. Eric Garner’s life matters. The list goes on. The lives of those we know matter. Likewise, the lives those we will never know matter.
Let your voice matter. Stand with us as we say “Enough!”